Go Forth and Explore

How a moment in the woods gave me a whole new perspective

3 min read

Growing up in southern New Mexico, mountains were never a cause for celebration. Aside from providing the occasional scenic view during winter, they sat as a relatively silent backdrop to my childhood. They were always just there.

I think it’s only after living in Dallas for the past two years that I realize how much I miss them. However, I don’t think it’s just the mountains I miss, but areas of land that are free from our human fingerprints. There’s something mesmerizing about being in a place where nature is untouched and remains largely as it’s been for centuries.

Needless to say, I was a bit excited when my wife and I booked our flights out to Colorado to spend a few days with her parents. They live in a sleepy little town called Frederick, which has a main street you can walk on in just a few minutes.

On this particular trip, my wife and I planned to head to Horsetooth Mountain Park in Fort Collins for the day. The drive was pleasant, and the Christmas music coming through the car speakers added just the right amount of holiday cheer. We had never been to this part of Colorado, and the anticipation was building with each passing mile.

These mountains, which have seen untold sunrises, long to thunder praise but stand reverent, silent so that man’s weak praise should be given God’s attention.”

― Donald Miller

We arrived at the entrance of the park and began our hike up the trail toward Horsetooth Falls. It was an overcast day, and a biting wind had picked up. We continued walking and passed a few other hikers along the way, but for the majority of the hike, it was just the two of us surrounded by miles of wilderness.

Even after being home for a few weeks, I’m still unsure what was different about this trip. All I could think was that 2015 around the corner gave me a clear perspective.

There’s a whole world that’s just waiting to be experienced. Oceans, beaches, mountains, and streams — God created the perfect habitat for us to live in and enjoy.

I hope that, if nothing else, this has inspired you to go outside and explore. There’s so much more to life than tweets; if we wait too long, we might miss it.